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Master Academic Calendar
View the Master Academic Calendar
NOTE: Except as noted (*), the dates listed below on the master academic calendar are campus deadlines; dates preceded by asterisks are Trustee-mandated deadlines. When a Trustee-mandated deadline falls on a Saturday/Sunday personnel actions should be completed by the preceding Friday.
The Summary of Major Personnel Actions and other procedures provides the same deadlines but lists this information by type of major faculty personnel action (e.g. tenure review, sabbatical, PMYR, etc).
Unit heads who are not clear as to the application of these terms to their unit in this document should refer their questions to the Provost’s Office at 617-287-5600.
JULY 2024
MARCH 2025
APRIL 2025
MAY 2025
JUNE 2025
JULY 2025
01 Dean of University Libraries sends notice of personnel review for reappointment, promotion or continuing appointment to eligible librarians with a copy to the library personnel committee chair
15 (*) By this date, notification of promotion from Delegated Appointing Authority to faculty/librarians (with copies to intervening administrators); this deadline may be extended in certain cases
(*) By this date, notification of reappointment or expiration of appointment of all faculty in 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th probationary year whose current contracts expire 8/31/25 from Delegated Appointing Authority to candidates
(*) Deadline for notification of Expiration of Appointment (8/31/25) in tenure cases in which the chancellor does not recommend tenure to the president and the Board of Trustees
Notification of emeritus status from provost to retiree, dean, and department chair
By this date, chairpersons remind faculty to provide materials by 9/09/24 for personnel reviews scheduled during AY 24-25
28-29 New Faculty Orientation
31 Last day of AY 23-24 academic-basis appointment
01 Effective date for faculty academic appointments and reappointments commencing Fall 2024
02 Holiday (Labor Day)
03 First day of classes
Request for exception to Board of Trustee policy on required or immediate return from current sabbatical from faculty/librarian to chairperson/department head in cases in which the sabbatical leave ends before 1/26/25 (NOTE: requests made after this date will normally not be considered)
06 Chairs receive materials from tenure system faculty for personnel reviews scheduled during AY 24-25 and confirm to dean the faculty members being reviewed
11 Requests for exception to Board of Trustee policy on required return from current sabbatical leave from chairperson/department head to dean in cases in which the sabbatical leave ends before 1/26/25
Promotion files for rank of Professor (without tenure consideration) from chairperson to departmental personnel committees
Tenure files from chairperson to department personnel committee for review
Requests for exception to Board of Trustee policy on immediate return from sabbatical leave from chairperson or department head to dean in cases in which the sabbatical leave ends before 1/26/25
10 Annual reports forwarded from librarians to immediate supervisor with appropriate sections completed
Add/Drop Ends
13 Requests for exception to Board of Trustee policy on required return from sabbatical leave from dean to provost in cases in which the leave ends before 1/26/25
Requests for exception to Board of Trustee policy on immediate return from sabbatical leave from dean to provost in cases in which the sabbatical leave ends before 1/26/25
Librarian Annual Reports returned to librarians for their signatures/comments
16 Annual Reports from faculty to chairperson with appropriate sections completed; chairpersons pass reports to personnel committee
01 By this date, the department personnel committee and the dean shall disseminate to the bargaining-unit members the principles upon which merit awards will be decided for Pools A and B, respectively. These principles relate to the AFRs and merit processes that will follow the academic year that the October 1st notification falls within.
02 Personnel committees return Annual Faculty Reports to chairperson with appropriate sections completed
Librarian Annual Reports from librarians provided to Library Personnel Committee with comments of supervisor
Rosh Hashanah (begins at sundown 10/02/24, lasts through nightfall 10/04/24)
03 Requests for exception to Board of Trustee policy on required or immediate return from sabbatical leave from provost to chancellor in cases in which the sabbatical leave ends before 1/26/25
07 Annual Faculty Reports from chairperson to faculty (with appropriate sections completed by department personnel committee and chairperson)
08 Recommendations regarding tenure from department personnel committee to chairperson
Requests for exception to Board of Trustee policy on required or immediate return from sabbatical leave from chancellor to president in cases in which the sabbatical leave ends before 1/26/25
11 Yom Kippur (begins at sundown 10/11/24, lasts through nightfall 10/12/24)
14 Holiday (Indigenous People's Day)
15 Recommendations regarding tenure from chairperson to dean for distribution to college personnel committee
Annual Faculty Reports (with signature) returned by faculty to chairpersons
16 Annual Faculty Reports from chairpersons to deans
18 Librarian Annual Reports from personnel committee to dean for reviews/comments
24 Applications for sabbatical leaves or leaves of absence for AY 25-26 from faculty to chairperson and from librarian to associate dean of university libraries
25 Last day to file for December 2024 graduation
Recommendations regarding reappointment to 3rd Probationary Year from chair to dean
01 Librarian Annual Reports from dean of university libraries to librarians for final signature/comments
05 Spring/Winter Registration Begins
06 Librarian Annual Reports (with final signature) forwarded to dean of university libraries
11 Holiday (Veteran's Day)
12 Recommendations regarding reappointment to 3rd Probationary Year from dean to provost
14 Recommendations regarding reappointment through the 6th Probationary Year (Fourth Year Review) from chairperson to dean for distribution to the college personnel committee
Recommendations regarding sabbatical leaves and leaves of absence for AY 25-26 from chairperson/associate dean of university libraries to dean
18 Recommendations regarding tenure from college personnel committee to dean
21 Pass/Fail and Course Withdrawal Deadline
27 By this date, notification to faculty or librarians regarding decision on request for exception to Trustee policy on required or immediate return from sabbatical leave which ends before 1/26/25
Written notification from librarian to dean of intent to submit name for promotion or continuing appointment
28 Holiday (Thanksgiving)
02 Classes Resume
13 Sabbatical reports from Spring 24 due to provost
Semester Ends
14 Study Period
15 (*) By this date, notification of reappointment or expiration of appointment of probationary faculty in 2nd service year (those whose current contracts expire 8/31/25) from Delegated Appointing Authority to candidate (with copies to intervening administrators)
16 Final Exam Period (Ends December 20)
21 Emergency Final Exam Snow Day (if needed)
25 Holiday (Christmas)
Hanukkah (begins at sundown, lasts through nightfall 01/02/25)
27 Fall 2024 Grades Due Online
01 Holiday (New Year's Day)
06 Classes Begin
07 Recommendations from dean to provost regarding any Spring 25 continuing appointments for eligible NTT faculty
10 Recommendations regarding tenure from dean to provost
For librarians with one to five years of service, recommendations for reappointment from dean to provost
13 Promotion files for rank of Professor (without tenure consideration) from department personnel committee to department chair
17 Course pass/fail/withdrawal deadline
18 Recommendations regarding sabbatical leaves and leaves of absence for AY 25-26 from dean to provost
Requests for exception to Board of Trustee policy on required or immediate return from sabbatical leave from faculty or librarian to chairperson or department head in cases of faculty or librarians on leave for AY 24-25 year or on leave in the Spring 2025 semester
19 Winter Classes End
20 Holiday (Martin Luther King Day)
21 Materials for librarian promotion or continuing appointment submitted by librarian to immediate supervisor
26 Effective end date for Fall 2024 faculty appointments
27 Chair receives materials from non-tenure track faculty for personnel reviews scheduled during AY 25-26 and confirms to dean the faculty members being reviewed
Effective date for faculty appointments and reappointments commencing Spring 2025
Spring Semester Begins
28 Non-tenure track faculty promotion files from chairperson to departmental personnel committee
30 Recommendations regarding reappointment to 2nd Probationary Year from department to dean
Recommendations regarding promotions to the rank of Professor (without tenure consideration) from chairperson to dean for distribution to college personnel committee
Recommendations regarding reappointment through the 6th Probationary Year (Fourth Year Review) from college personnel committee to dean
Requests for exception to Board of Trustee policy on required return from sabbatical leave from chairperson or department head to dean
31 Winter Grades Due Online
By this date, faculty scheduled for PMYR submit their 2000-word (or less) statement and CV to department personnel committee and chairperson; chairperson provides personnel committee with annual reports and student evaluations for faculty undergoing PMYR
03 Add/Drop Ends
07 Recommendations on reappointment to 2nd Probationary Year from dean to provost
Recommendations regarding librarian promotions or continuing appointments from supervisor to library personnel committee
Requests for exception to Board of Trustee policy on required or immediate return from sabbatical leave from dean to provost
For librarians with one to five years of service, approval of reappointment from provost to librarian (with copy to personnel committee and dean)
17 Holiday (Presidents' Day)
19 Non-tenure track promotion files from department personnel committee to department chair
20 Requests for exception to Board of Trustee policy on required or immediate return from sabbatical leave from provost to chancellor
28 Recommendations regarding promotions to the rank of Professor (without tenure consideration) from college personnel committee to dean
Recommendations for reappointment through 6th Probationary Year (Fourth Year Review) from dean to provost
PMYR recommendations of personnel committee and chairperson to PMYR faculty and dean
01 (*) By this date, notification of reappointment or expiration of appointment of probationary faculty members in 1st service year (those whose current contracts expire 8/31/25) from Delegated Appointing Authority to candidates (with copies to intervening administrators)
03 Summer 2025 Registration Begins
05 Recommendations regarding librarian promotions or continuing appointment from personnel committee to dean of university libraries
Requests for exception to Board of Trustee policy on required or immediate return from current sabbatical leave from chancellor to president
08 Recommendations regarding non-tenure track faculty promotions from chairperson to dean for distribution to college personnel committee
14 By this date, all draft recommendation letters regarding tenure from provost to chancellor
Last Day to File for May/August 2025 Graduation
16 Spring Break begins (ends March 23)
21 Recommendations for reappointment to 4th or 5th Probationary Year from department to dean
24 Classes Resume
01 Notification to faculty/librarians regarding sabbatical leaves or leaves of absence for AY 25-26
Fall 2025 Registration Begins
04 Recommendations regarding librarian promotion or continuing appointment from dean of university libraries to provost
Recommendations regarding promotions to the rank of Professor (without tenure consideration) from dean to provost
11 For librarians with up to one year of service, recommendations for reappointment from dean to provost
All recommendations regarding tenure from chancellor to president
12 Passover (begins at sundown, lasts through nightfall 4/20/25)
15 Deans submit PMYR recommendations to PMYR faculty, personnel committees, and chairpersons
18 Recommendations regarding non-tenure track faculty promotions from college personnel committee to dean
PMYR development plans, if needed, submitted from faculty to dean
Recommendations for reappointment to 4th or 5th Probationary Years from dean to provost
21 Holiday (Patriots’ Day)
22 Written notification from tenured faculty members to chairperson of intent to submit name for promotion to Professor in AY 25-26
24 Course Pass/Fail/Withdrawal Deadline
01 Requests for modifications in period of sabbatical leave during AY 25-26 from applicant to chairperson. (NOTE: requests for changes from full-year to one-semester sabbaticals will normally not be granted if submitted after this date)
02 Deans confirm with chairpersons the names of faculty who will be considered or are eligible for personnel actions (PMYR, reappointment, reappointment through the tenure decision year, tenure and, to the extent known, and promotion to senior rank) during AY 25-26. Chairpersons are responsible for ensuring that such faculty members are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
08 Requests for modification in period of sabbatical leave during AY 25-26 from chairperson/ department head to dean
09 Deans notify provost of all faculty personnel reviews scheduled during AY 25-26
Deans submit annual PMYR report to provost for PMYR faculty reviewed during AY 24-25
For librarians with up to one year of service, approval of reappointment from provost to librarian (with copy to personnel committee and dean)
13 Requests for modification in period of sabbatical leave during AY 25-26 from dean to provost
14 Sabbatical reports from Fall 22 due to provost
Written notification from non-tenure track faculty member to chairperson of intent to submit name for promotion to senior rank in AY 25-26
Notification of reappointment through the 6th Probationary Year (Fourth Year Review) to faculty members
Last Day of Classes
15 Study Period (May 15-18)
16 Recommendations regarding non-tenure track faculty promotions from dean to provost
19 Final Exam Period (May 19-23)
26 Holiday (Memorial Day)
27 Summer Session 1 (SS1) begins (ends July 10)
Summer Session 3 (SS3) begins (ends August 21)
Special Session 1 and 2 (SP1and SP2) begins (ends August 21)
30 Spring 2025 Grades Due Online
02 Recommendations for emeritus status from department chair to dean
06 Recommendations from deans to provost regarding any Fall 25 continuing appointments for eligible NTT faculty
16 Notification to faculty of Board of Trustee approval of tenure in cases submitted for consideration at the June Board Meeting
Recommendations for emeritus status from dean to provost
Notification to faculty and librarians regarding requests for modification in period of sabbatical leave during AY 25-26
19 Holiday (Juneteenth)
21 By this date, notification to faculty or librarians regarding decision on requests for exception to Board of Trustee policy on required and immediate return from AY 25-26 sabbatical leave
01 Colleges tell Graduate Dean the names/changes to GPD lists
04 Holiday (Independence Day)
15 Summer Session 2 (SS2) begins (ends August 21)
01 Dean of University Libraries sends notice of personnel review for reappointment, promotion or continuing appointment to eligible librarians with a copy to the library personnel committee chair
15 (*) By this date, notification of promotion from Delegated Appointing Authority to faculty (with copies to intervening administrators); this deadline may be extended in certain cases
(*) Notification of promotion from Delegated Appointing Authority to librarians with copies to intervening administrators (this deadline may be extended in certain cases)
(*) By this date, notification of reappointment or expiration of appointment of all faculty in 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th probationary year whose current contracts expire 8/31/25 from Delegated Appointing Authority to candidates
(*) By this date, deadline for notification of Expiration of Appointment (8/31/25) in tenure cases in which the chancellor does not recommend tenure to the president and the Board of Trustees
Notification of emeritus status from provost to retiree, dean, and department chair
By this date, chairpersons remind faculty and dean of university libraries reminds librarians to provide materials by 9/08/25 for personnel reviews scheduled during AY 25-26
31 Last day of AY 24-25 academic-basis appointments
- Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs