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Tutoring Programs
Subject Tutoring Program
The Center for Academic Excellence Tutoring program brings academic support to all UMass Boston students in a variety of convenient and accessible formats, engaging students academically where they are and how they operate as learners.
Tutoring sessions are free of charge with appointments available in 1-1, small group, drop in, and semester-based formats. Services cover many 100, 200, and select 300 level courses. If you do not see a course for which you would like a tutor, please email and let us know. There is also a box in the scheduling system to make such a request.
All tutors have successfully demonstrated their ability to navigate the challenges of college level coursework and create solid connections with their peers at UMass Boston. All tutors must receive a UMB faculty recommendation and complete a certified training program.
For information on current course offerings, or to see the current tutoring program semester schedule and make an appointment, check here.
For questions about Tutoring, please email
Tutoring Mission
Using strength based and culturally sustaining approaches, our undergraduate peer tutors fuse content (what to learn) and process based (how to learn) strategies to create engaging and accessible learning experiences for UMass Boston students. Our peer tutors are current students who reflect the rich diversity and life experience of the UMass Boston community. Based on careful assessment of individual student needs and course requirements, Center for Academic Excellence Tutors facilitate learning sessions using the principles of Universal Design and Self-Regulated Learning with the goals of assisting students in mastering course content, enhancing academic skill development, developing each student’s personalized network of campus resources, and timely progress toward education goals.
Tutoring Services for Multilingual Students
The ESL program at UMass Boston seamlessly connects classroom and tutoring spaces through a unique teacher-tutor fellow intervention. Ongoing collaboration between ESL tutors and faculty empowers our linguistically diverse students to achieve their academic goals. Trained tutors attend faculty classes to stay updated on course content, enabling them to provide responsive support for writing and language skill development outside of class. We aim to increase the visibility of our tutoring services and create a friendly, cooperative, and equitable environment for multilingual students to thrive with the help of qualified tutors.
ALEKS Math Placement Support
The ALEKS PPL program tailors self-directed learning modules to each student based on their performance on the ALEKS Math assessment. If you are looking to improve your ALEKS placement assessment score to place into a course, or if you want to improve your math skills in a particular area, you can work with a Center for Academic Excellence tutor to improve your skills.
We ask that you please take the exam once on your own before seeking out our tutoring services so that the tutor has an idea of your baseline knowledge in math and can best serve you during your appointment.